Yes, I am a Work At Home Dad. Lovely isn't it?
HOW DID I DO IT? Simple a friend was working online and I wanted to do the same, so he referred the site to me. By the way thanks a lot Macky! You changed my life a LOT!
WHAT's THE SITE? It's To make the story sweet and short, I made a profile and applied for jobs. Did it for 2 months and finally landed a job. I started work on August 2007 and I have been working online until now.
WHAT's in it for ME? I'm a Filipino and I earn $$$. Yup I earn dollars and I'm living in a 3rd world country. Convincing enough? Get your calculator and go to my profile and do the math on how much I earn a month.
Sounds to good to be true...Yep it is. Hey, it's still a job. I'm still working. I'm still in the 8 - 5 grind. And that's US time. I'm still like a call center agent as before (yup, did them all: Sykes, Etelecare, Peoplesupport, Convergys, Eperformaxe, Sutherland...but that's another story).
I don't want to WORK forever. Since I already had a taste of earning money online, I now want to MAKE MONEY ONLINE! I want an E-Business that works, that is easy to learn.
I experimented a lot, failed a lot. I tried Autosurf, Manualsurf, HYIP, NetworMarketing, Affiliate Programs. I never found one that TEACHES ME HOW TO DO IT step by step. So I got frustrated, skipped doing it for two years. Then my baby was born and now I have the drive to GET RICH AGAIN!!!
I'm going to discuss lots of topics regarding online business in this site. I want to compile a step by step plan on what to do make an online business. I'm a newbie, this would be my baby step, if you are a beginner like me, follow where I tread, see if the road is treacherous or full of surprises. Add comments and share your experiences. Let's make a new community of WHADs!
I'm going to discuss lots of topics regarding online business in this site. I want to compile a step by step plan on what to do make an online business. I'm a newbie, this would be my baby step, if you are a beginner like me, follow where I tread, see if the road is treacherous or full of surprises. Add comments and share your experiences. Let's make a new community of WHADs!