Friday, February 5, 2010

Day 1 - SBI Experiment

1. grab a text or image link in Snippet Build Tool. Attach it as your signature in your emails. Post it in your favorite social networking sites like facebook, friendster, multiply

2. read 5 pillar marketing guide

a. learn preselling concept
b. preselling cycle - about me page
about sbi page


i. goal setting - hit Php 100,000 a month or $2,222 a month within year 2010.8 hours a day, 5 days a week work on SBI.

ii. know your customer - online business newbies like me.who has no idea how to start making money online business. dads that want to have more time for their kids at home. dads that want to quit working and start a business but cant because they have no idea what business to start, how to do it.dads that knows what businesss to start, how to do it but dont have the starting capital to fund at home dads like me that has an online job, but since it is a job it has no security unlike having your own business.


i. build a website - i dont have the money to build a website, i have $29 but that is Php 1,305 a month. still have bills to i'll just use, all other blog sites. i learned to use this with one of my online clients, my job is to do Linkbuilding i just learned how to do it this month Feb 2010.

WORK AT HOME DADS! there's no niche like that yet only WHAMs or work at home moms.

ii. build traffic to your website - "They seek what you know. Give it to them. Convert your knowledge into in-demand Content."

ummm, well i guess this is my to follow sbi steps and a little bit of what i learned in link building. seems like there's no free guide...WRONG! there is! just found it, the ebook is HERE!

now if you are not a good writer, just like me, you can also read ebook, its a freebie.

iii. develop a theme (a Site concept) - "Do you have a particular skill (cartoonist, fitness trainer, copywriter) or passion/knowledge (Siamese cats, chocolate, premium coffees, mountain climbing or sports cars, favorite city or Caribbean island, etc.)? Convert that into a Web site -- the content attracts interested visitors, who in turn generate profits for your new business."

i got skills! im GOOD in Filipino Martial Arts! I teach it! I have a website! A free website! - now how does the content attract visitors?oops yeah, i don't have content yet...

Well, i guess i better read those 2 ebooks and apply what they teach. till then.

(this post was haphazardly done. its already 5:15 am, im sleepy.i'll get back to it next week)

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